We are open for new ascents to the highest point in Italy. For detailed timetables, please consult the dedicated page of our website.
You will be able to buy the ticket to Punta Helbronner and reach PUnta Helbronner at a reduced ONLINE rate of € 56, instead of € 61 if you decide to physically purchase it at the cash desks.
Just log into the website www.montebianco.com and connect to the e-commerce in the "buy" section, choosing the day and time you prefer and the type of ticket, a few steps to make your visit at the foot of Mont Blanc better.
We remind you not to print your ticket but to keep it in your mobile phone, for a green action while protecting the environment.
No more waiting at the tills, but direct access to the turnstiles of the cable car boarding area, ready for the ascent to Punta Helbronner at 3466m.